Monday, April 27, 2009

Things You Should Know


TIP # 1: Form CV-410

Form CV-410 is a Petition For Waiver of Service and Filing Fees - Affidavit of Indigency and Order and should be completed to help determine whether you may be eligible for waiver of the filing and service fees associated with commencing your divorce. *SEE NOTE BELOW*

If you or your spouse have not yet filed for your divorce, there is a chance that you may be eligible for waiver of the filing and service fees. Generally, these two fees combined come to a total of about $235. Not everyone qualifies because the waiver is based upon numerous factors which are evaluated by the standard poverty level income base, which I believe is somewhere between $8,000 and $10,000, but I'm not certain... Nevertheless, if you apply and your request is denied, your in no worse position than when you started, but if its approved you can proceed without paying the fees and costs, and perhaps you need that little extra financial help?

NOTE: As section 1 of CV-410 asks, if you receive and currently remain eligible for SSI, Veterans Benefits, Food Stamps, Medical Assistance, and other qualifying categories listed in Section 1, pursuant to statute you automatically qualify for waiver of the costs and service fees associated with commencing your divorce, so your already off to a real good start under the current economic crisis.

TIP # 2: Forms You Can Complete On Your Computer

If you have ever completed any forms online, then you know that it is much easier than trying to legibly hand write all the necessary information into those little spaces.
Court approved forms are no different than any other forms -- with the exception of the fact that you must redundantly resubmit essential basic information on all the forms and motions that you are required to submit in your divorce -- and unfortunately they provide no further room for all this necessary information. This can be very tedious and time consuming...
However, there is at least one public website which offers forms that you can download to your computer and have the option of filling in the spaces on your computer rather than having to write all the information out. The most important thing to keep in mind when using these "editable" forms is that you DO NOT alter the format by writing too much information in any given editable text box. Keep you statements brief, and if necessary include your lengthy statement on a separate attached page and simply type, "SEE ATTACHED" in the editable text box.

I can almost guarantee that if too many approved court forms are filed in the state court system with the formats changed, the option of editibale text boxes on the approved online forms will be a thing of the past! Even worse, the court may require you to resubmit all your documents in the proper format, so please be respectful of this awesome privilege.